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Visit Ben & Steve by the Courthouse Flagpole rather than the Court Room on Thursday from 9 to 10AM

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Ben and I have decided to voluntarily dismiss the mandamus case today due to a technical error.

The point of our case was to bring to the Commissioners’ attention that decades of problems, including embezzlement of more than $3 million of tax funds*, have ensued because Camden County, and we believe, also the cities, do not have a contractual agreement enforceable under Georgia law. We did not ask for damages.

We've prepared this summary of the issues in a gallery.

Or you can download the entire document:

This is a long document but it is the kind of information our Commissioners should rely upon when they make decisions. Instead, there has been a long history of decisions influenced by self-serving parties rather than better decisions made by our elected officials who only hold their seats because enough citizens voted for them.

An enforceable contract will describe the properties and services required by the PSA. The County has touted a 2018 intergovernmental agreement as being a sufficient contract, but it is not. Using the Georgia Open Records Act we asked the PSA for a document defining the “PSA’s Consolidated Leisure Services Program” that’s referenced but not defined or present in that agreement. The PSA never answered that legal request.

Yet, incredibly, Camden County’s pleading appears ask the Court to believe that the PSA is the sole adjudicator of which services, for whichever properties, performed to whatever standard of performance, and on whatever timetable, the PSA will perform.

We hoped that the Commissioners would do the right thing and pursue the required contract that provides transparency about who decides things like why most park bathrooms are usually locked and why there are persistent violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act and how long it should take to replace a tennis net and whose job it is.

But instead of simply fixing the contractual problems with the PSA, the Commission chose to take us to court in hopes of a dismissal from the judge.

So now that the contract problem has been exposed, will the Commissioners fix it and obey the law?

(*At least they’re watching the money more carefully now with enhanced financial management written into the 2018 intergovernmental agreement which includes nothing of the sort for our parks.)

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