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Nope. There's No Rocket.

Because I am quoted in a Saturday Brunswick News story, I want to clarify that no rocket company has a rocket qualifying under the Spaceport Camden license, nor the money to cover the costs of buying the Union Carbide property and developing the Spaceport. Many of those costs will fall on taxpayers while violating basic tenets of sound economic development.

To be perfectly clear about the ongoing Spaceport Camden debacle, the public continues to be misled and deceived by our elected officials.

Spaceport Camden’s promoters say it’s a sure-fire economic development project. But the companies Camden chases have repeatedly crashed rockets at America’s most under-used spaceports. They build the rockets 2,000 miles away. It has been more than 15 months since their last rocket launch -- one that exploded after just 10 seconds destroying the launch support area. Jobs and economic benefits? Not hardly.  The spaceport has only 4 salaried workers. The crash cleanup crews are independent contractors. The spaceport exports the crash debris to other states but explosions over the water cause permanent environmental harm. But we’re told not to fret because someday a safe rocket will be invented that happens to be 100% reliable and is small enough to launch to orbit over people, our tidal waterways, and Cumberland Island and still be economically viable.


Four of five current County Commissioners see nothing wrong with wasting more money because secret consultants tell them the rockets are coming, all while collecting their consulting checks. It’s done secretly while not even all commissioners know if taxpayers are still funding more bad advice.

Aren't there laws protecting citizens from such things?

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