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More Stuff State Representative Sainz Didn’t Report

You can sure tell it’s an election year. We wrote a few days ago that Representative Steven Sainz has been afforded consecutive Opinion columns in the Tribune & Georgian. This post reviews Sainz’s column of last Thursday.

Once again, “Camden County” is not mentioned. Not even once. Sainz has written a whole lotta of words, but nothing specific about what he’s doing for Camden County. He's mostly doing legislative stuff for the rest of the state, but once again, doesn’t he realize that his constituents are all residents of Camden County plus a few in Glynn County? This post is exactly 629 words long, the same as Sainz penned last week.

Sainz told us about more bills and resolutions he has “authored, co-sponsored, or voted for” this session.

But when you look over Sainz’s work for 2024, he hasn’t “authored, co-sponsored, or voted for” the repeal of the Spaceport Authority. Remember, Mr. Sainz was an original co-sponsor of the legislation that created the Spaceport Authority in the first place.

Representative Sainz said the following 12 million dollars ago in the Brunswick News:

“The function of the [Spaceport] authority was to act as a facilitator for an active venture on what was communicated would be an immediately pending private partnership,” Sainz said. “Camden’s state legislative delegation, of which I am a member, did not create this authority to allow the county to have an option to circumvent the clear will of local voters.”

Sainz said he promised voters before the referendum vote to “use every tool available” to ensure their [72% Against] vote was respected, regardless of the outcome. He said there is still time during the ongoing [2022] legislative session for the bill to be approved by both the House and Senate.

Sainz added, “… no opportunity can be so good that public officials can forget their accountability to those whom they represent, myself included.”

Like Commission Chair Ben Casey, Sainz’s promise to stop the Spaceport’s waste of the Commissioners' focus and our fortune had a short life.

He failed to abolish the Spaceport Authority in 2022, never offered a bill to abolish it in 2023, and simply ignored his 2022 promise in 2024. The legislative ‘crossover’ deadline is tomorrow. It looks like Sainz will again act politically rather than on his promise to his constituents.

But Mr. Sainz had time to co-author this year’s House Bill 1150 which will modify Georgia law to no longer take fingerprints of operators of motor vehicles with unauthorized levels of window or windshield tinting. If HB 1150 becomes law, Camden County’s officers will no longer be burdened with taking fingerprints of windshield tint violators. That’s really important stuff, isn’t it?

Representative Sainz also co-sponsored HB 995 this year which will require high schools to administer tests to certain 11th and 12th-grade students who wish to be assessed to help predict future academic and occupational success in the military. Isn’t that exactly what NJROTC at Camden County High School is supposed to accomplish?

Of course, specific intellectual and academic development, and learning to follow instructions, are necessary no matter which occupation a graduate chooses, so shouldn’t Mr. Sainz provide special assessments to all students? Is Mr. Sainz aware of Camden High’s CTAE programs that expressly prepare students for careers after graduation?

Then there is House Bill 1066, co-sponsored by Sainz, by which “the members of this body stand with the people of Iran who are legitimately defending their rights for freedom against repression as well as condemn the brutal killing of Iranian protestors by the regime.” No one stands for Freedom better than Americans, but does Georgia House Bill 1066 have any impact whatsoever on world peace?

Here’s a complete list of Sainz’s 2024 accomplishments. (as of February 24)

How much helps Camden County?

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