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It’s An Emergency!!!

With feckless transparency, Representative Steven Sainz and Commissioner Trevor Readdick hope to rush through an  “emergency” resolution tonight to dissolve the Camden County Spaceport Authority. If they do not approve a resolution tonight, they cannot meet the statutory requirement to advertise the official vote in time for Steven Sainz to get it on the legislative calendar for 2024.

County Administrator Shawn Boatright is coordinating this last-second effort to help so we might assume he is working to serve the political interests of certain parties.

If true, THAT is a No-No.

Of course, tonight’s emergency resolution is needed because Commissioners Casey, Brant, Readdick, and Martin have steadfastly refused to consider killing anything related to the already-dead spaceport. Which one of them will be the third vote needed to solve this “emergency”?

Tonight’s “emergency” effort is childlike and self-serving for two elected officials are in tough election fights.

But we cannot expect anything less from the spaceport-smitten Board of Commissioners who steadfastly refused to even second spaceport-ending motions made by Commissioner Jim Goodman during the 20-odd meetings they've held in the past year and a quarter.

YES. It IS an emergency because it is an election year and embarrassing stuff like this will continue to show up:

Or perhaps Shawn Boatright, the commissioners, and Steven Sainz read these pages last week and remembered dissolving the useless Spaceport Authority has been on OUR agenda for several years and they finally agree with us.

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