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Case Closed.

The Current reports that the Georgia Attorney General will not prosecute the three alleged co-conspirators in the theft of more than $3,200,000 from the Camden County Public Service Authority.

Part of the justification for closing the case states that the prosecution cannot prove where the stolen money was spent after it was stolen. Hunh? It was stolen, no matter how it was spent after it was stolen! Or that the former County Chief Financial Officer knew that funds his family’s organization received from the PSA were illegally distributed to them. Taxpayers should wonder what else slipped by the former Camden County Chief Financial Officer.

Horse hockey.

Even if the stolen money was given to feed the hungry, it was STOLEN MONEY – STOLEN from taxpayers. That is the crime.

Years were allowed to lapse after former PSA Director William Brunson was convicted and jailed under Federal charges related to the same theft of funds from Camden taxpayers. Brunson spent years in a Federal prison cell. Meanwhile, Georgia District Attorneys who had “conflicts of interest” failed to prosecute the laws protecting taxpayers. Oddly, the recent efforts to pursue justice have only taken place after the sickly Mr. Brunson finally died. It certainly appears that prosecutors waited until after the chief thief and witness died.

All of the theft occurred under the blind eyes of former PSA Boards and supposed oversight of Saint Marys, Kingsland, Woodbine, and County elected officials and appointees who were all responsible as stewards of tax funds sent to the PSA. The funds were stolen from projects meant to maintain Camden County parks, recreation facilities, and programs. Only as a consequence of the Covid panic have our local governments received millions from Washington (also taken from taxpayers or freshly printed causing our current inflation) that are now repairing a smidgen of the damage done by the years of thefts and mismanagement.

The Current's reporter writes: “The AG’s decision to close the case marks a significant defeat for the Camden County Sheriff’s Office and Board of Commissioners.”

"Defeat for the Camden County Sheriff’s Office." True. Because our Sheriff and his staff, almost alone, tirelessly investigated and pressed for prosecution of the thefts. White Collar Politics interfered at every turn.

For the County Commissioners and City Councils – not so much. It's been their failure to oversee and manage how the money they gave the PSA was being used which allowed the continuing thefts in the first place. Good Grief! They even neglected to require the annual audits before sending the PSA more taxpayer money, year after year!

The Georgia Enabling legislation that created the PSA required a contract specifying the performance requirements and areas of responsibility for the County, cities, and PSA. How bad was the neglect? Bad. Really Bad. For instance, the County gave the Browntown Boat Ramp to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources because it had been neglected until it was unsafe.

It remains unclear to taxpayers if the PSA or Saint Marys government were responsible for neglect to the Saint Marys Pool finally causing it to be shut down as “unsafe” and unsavable. Why are the bathrooms at Peeple's Park still dank and damp since no ventilation has ever been installed in them? In fact, why are sidewalk tripping hazards at that same park allowed to marked with paint for years rather than simply fixing them? One of several sidewalk Tripping hazards at Peeples Park:

Although the required contract is mentioned by slight reference in their 2018 “intergovernmental agreement”, neither Saint Marys, Kingsland, Woodbine, Camden County nor the PSA could produce the required copy when we made Georgia Open Records Act requests from every party. The legislatively required contract still does not exist today, and our elected State Representative has seemed oblivious to the whole PSA affair during each legislative session that’s taken place over the past four years.

Our elected officials simply didn’t follow the law and as a result, thieves stole our money. The money remains stolen. Keep in mind these are the same guys who think they can run an airport.

Case Buried.


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