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A Very Special Website Guy Wants To Be Sheriff   


A persistent Saint Marys gadfly claims the Trevor Readdick for Sheriff website was “far and away” the best he’s seen in Camden County in 30 years.

Gadfly wrote he “was just informed by a reliable source - Nicole Readdick - that Trevor Readdick did every bit of all phases constructing that website HIMSELF!” Distressingly, gadfly hypothecated the ability to build a website proves Readdick has the “IQ” to “rapidly master any peculiarities of effectively managing a sheriff's office.

As a website wizard and as immediate past President of the Home Builders Association of Georgia, Readdick didn’t fix that group’s unsortable News and Press webpage which lists stories by day but co-mingles the years. You know, one from 2017, then a few from 2021, then some from 2020, and then back again to 2021. It’s perhaps the most disorganized webpage in Georgia. Why were NO News or Press releases posted during the year Readdick was President?

A quick review of the wanna-be Sheriff’s website shows Trevor is a family man, had a dream childhood, loves his kids, hunts, and builds houses. OK.

Perhaps Readdick thinks he’s the “One” after he accepted the EOS business regimen he triple-links to on the ReaddickforSheriff website. Interestingly, nowhere on the EOS website does it suggest the skills apply to public service. The big “E” stands for “Entrepreneurial” meaning concerned with businesses. One of the books they sell is titled, “How to Be A Great Boss.” Readdick apparently thinks the Sheriff’s office should be similarly operated. You know, hire ‘em, and if they don’t work out, fire ‘em while making a profit. Here's the link in case you want to find out why Readdick three times to the site on his ReaddickforSheriff webpage.

Is Readdick Moving On After He's Done What He Can As A Camden Commissioner:

County Commissioners can take a year after assuming office to complete Commissioner school. Then you’re in charge of the County Administrator and we all know how that’s gone since Readdick’s been a Commissioner. As commissioner, you get to make rules limiting citizen’s speech and telling the Sheriff to “lock ‘em up.” And you get to spend “other people’s money” on vanity projects like gun ranges, spaceports, and airports. Being Commissioner means you are handed recommendations from your administrative staff who have done the homework for you. You hire “consultants” whose skills and goals may not align with your constituents’ best interests. You call it work when you attend soirees at the Chamber of Commerce. You get your picture taken when you hand out awards. You can delay funding jail repairs, then claim on your website the jail is obsolete and you’ll build a new one. Since being a Commissioner is a part-time job you have time to run a house-building business.

Readdick’s present business employs a few dozen people during daylight hours, and rarely on weekends and holidays.

The Sheriff’s job is 24/7/365.

The Sheriff is responsible for E-911 hiring, training, and manning the phones. 24/7/365. He’s responsible every minute of every day and night (including holidays) for securing the jail, tending to inmates’ health needs and feeding them, transporting prisoners to other jurisdictions, keeping the jail doors working and locked, securing our courts, enforcing the laws on our roadways and public and private property, protecting our schools, hospital, Dollar Generals, liquor stores, and arresting Walmart shoplifters. And, yes, bad things happen sometimes when the Sheriff’s Deputies arrest and jail law-breakers. The Sheriff maintains a maritime patrol and coordinates security with Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base and Cumberland Island. All 24/7/365. He sometimes even has to sue the Commissioners for the funding they have to Constitutionally provide the Sheriff's Office. He does not have time for a second job.

When Camden County has a big emergency, the Sheriff and his staff will be out in full force serving the public. 24/7/365. That just comes with the job.


Readdick wrote this on his campaign website:

Because the Sheriff’s is a Constitutional office Readdick,  wrote, “Trevor's only answer is to vacate his seat as Commissioner and run for the Office of the Sheriff." 

When will the wanna-be Sheriff keep his word on that?

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